Chicken Livers Sale

Discover the rich, savory flavor of chicken livers. Raised on pasture, our chickens enjoy fresh grass, bugs, and corn & soy free supplemental feed, resulting in livers that are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. High in protein, iron, and vitamins A and B12, these livers are a powerhouse of nutrition, supporting energy levels and overall health. Perfect for chicken liver pâté or grilled on skewers!
High in Protein: Essential for muscle repair and growth.
- Rich in Iron: Supports healthy red blood cells and combats fatigue.
- Vitamin A: Crucial for eye health and immune function.
- Vitamin B12: Vital for brain health and energy production.
Pasture Raised (actually on real pasture, – that s why pasture raised chicken is known to have more Omega 3 s, because they are eating grass forage (unlike just organic)
- Raised Outdoors – I have to say this, because most grocery store chickens (even the organic ones) never see the outdoors
- Like Really Free Range (P.S. not crammed in a chicken barn “free range” like most “free range” chicken is, organic or conventional)
- Non GMO Fed (in additional to the grass and bugs they graze on)
- Humanely Raised – Our birds are raised in large mobile floorless pasture coops that get moved every day. They have the critical shade to withstand our hot Texas summers, and open siding that has the ability to roll down if a storm rolls through.
- Frozen & Vacuum Sealed at the peak of freshness (no sticky chicken juice hitting your veggies in your grocery cart)
Average Package weight – 1 lb.
1915 Pasture Raised Corn & Soy Free Chicken
There is a beautiful story tell raising chicken in a different light, very unconventional by today’s standard, especially in Texas. In a way that prioritizes quality over quantity, nutrition over cheapness, craft over assembly lines, and our health as top priority. The formula is quite simple. Raise the chickens the way they were put on earth to be raised, and their meat quality will reward us – with delicious flavor and enhanced nutrition. 99% of the chicken raised in America is in dark barns, fed GMO grains, given drugs, and dipped in chlorine, and kept behind closed doors from the public eye to see. Tanner and I are the founders of 1915 Farm, and we vowed from the very beginning to only sell chicken raised the the best way possible – outdoors on fresh pasture, supplemented with NON GMO corn free soy free grain, no antibiotics, no chlorine baths, and frozen and vacuumed sealed at the peak of freshness – sharing each step of the journey along the way as we bring the beautiful experience directly to your table, and trust me when I say, the quality won’t disappoint. – Catherine
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